How to apply

The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line is a flexible program that can essentially support almost any type modernization project that support business reach compliance with EU standards through investments in advanced and, where suitable, green technologies. Three specifically tailored project types can be financed, supporting the diverse investment needs of SMEs in Ukraine. Please click on the Icons below to see the detailed information on each project type:

Pre-Approved Approach

Some projects only require the upgrade of a standard piece of equipment. For this type of investment, we have developed the List of Eligible Technologies (LET) that can be financed directly by our Partner Financing Institutions with financing up to the equivalent of EUR 300,000. A 10% grant is available upon successful verification of the project’s implementation.

Simplified Approach

Fast track procedures are in place for smaller loans of up to EUR 300,000 for investments in improving product quality and safety of the agriculture and food processing sectors. The project consultant simply checks the investment plan to ensure it complies with the very straightforward eligibility requirements. Upon verification of the project’s successful implementation a grant of up to 15% is available for ‘green’ projects, i.e. those leading to energy savings and carbon emission reduction and up to 10% for conventional projects.

Complex Approach

Loans of up to EUR 3 million are available for (almost) any modernization project in any industrial or service sector. Investments requiring a more complete technical and financial evaluation can benefit from free technical assistance to optimize the investment plan and to prepare a business plan. Upon verification of the project’s successful implementation a grant of up to 15% is available for ‘green’ projects, i.e. those leading to energy savings and carbon emission reduction and up to 10% for conventional projects.

Support for severely war-affected MSMEs

Additional support for investments is available for MSMEs most affected by the war, including businesses that suffered asset loss and/or destruction under the Enterprise Renaissance Window (“ERW”) and those supporting the reintegration of veterans and war-affected persons under the Veterans and War-Affected Persons Reintegration Window (“VRW”).

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