Green Economy Transition

Green and Growth should go hand-in-hand

The EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line promotes green investments

Our aim: 70% of all investments under the EU4Business EBRD Credit Line meet the EBRD’s Green Economy Transition goals.

Green investments include:

    • Energy efficiency 
    • Renewable energy
    • Pollutants and waste minimization 
    • Water and raw material saving 
    • Soil erosion reduction

If you would like to ensure that your investment is as green as possible, ask our technical team during your project application.
We track the GET results of each project and publish these on a regular basis.

Green Economy Transition (GET) Results achieved by the EU4Bussiness-EBRD Credit Line in Ukraine

  • Energy Saving in GJ : 354,807
  • CO2 reduction in Tonnes : 34,198
  • Water savings in m3 : 190,451
  • Material savings in tonnes : 280

EBRD’s Green Economy Transition (GET) approach helps countries build green, low carbon and resilient economies.

The GET approach builds on a decade of successful climate and resource efficiency investments by the Bank. Investing companies have reaped the significant financial rewards of using energy, water and other resources more efficiently. Introducing modern, fuel-saving technology, recycling production materials and converting waste into sources of power and heating are just some of the ways businesses can free up capital for more profitable uses, such as innovation, research and development, market expansion.
GET investments constitute a valuable source of wealth and job creation at a time of continued economic difficulties.

EBRD`S total investment in the green Economy Transition in 2023:

Expected annual reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of EBRD investment:

Megawatts of renewable energy capacity that the EBRD committed to financing:
26 GW since 2006

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